Modern Fabs Deserve Modern Processes

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Advanced, outdated

Semiconductor Fabs are some of the most advanced technological facilities ever built. A forward-looking industry with backward-facing processes. There are thousands of contractors across hundreds of companies working on different project functions and engineering disciplines.

Unstructured data.

Each has their own objectives, data platforms and systems of record. This leads to gigabytes of data being generated across spreadsheets, CAD drawings, PDFs, scraps of paper or even in the heads of Engineers many of whom have or will retire.

Deadlines, delays.

Projects are under huge pressure to meet Schedule while also having to deal with a 1ColUlo] aM are leiceMel lat-l-Me) mo.) (-ceNt-lerelg shortages and material delivery delays.


We know this world deeply and have felt the pain of manual processes which is why we started basesite to solve the challenges of fab construction without changing its underlying processes.

Project Data

Optimization Process
Step 1:
Cleans the project’s unstructured data
Step 2:
Creates a model of the project's engineering and spatial requirements
Step 3:
Uses the model as a framework to complete human engineering tasks

Load & Connection

Extracts load and points of connection requirement from the utility matrix and layout

Equipment List

Generates a building services equipment list and layout

Pressure & Voltage

Completes pressure and voltage drop calculations

Space Coordination

Manages space co-ordination for equipment

Equipment Selection

Selection of equipment based on demand requirements

Optimized Architecture

Produces an optimized equipment architecture for all engineering disciplines
Step 4:
Analyses and compares design scenarios to identify opportunities for increasing efficiencies in your project

What do you get?

3 Hr
Produce a Facilities Equipment List and space plan in just 3 hours
Maximizes facility utilization of the Tools to you save time and money on cabling and panels up to 30%
75% reduction in Gap analysis costs by automatically comparing latest design with last released design

Challenge the Norm, achieve the Extraordinary

Automate Design,
Enable Success
Get Design off the critical path and focus your Engineering teams on the tasks that drive the most value for your business.  Speak to one of our Engineers to find out how you can benefit from Design Automation.